Monday, September 25, 2017

How Do You Navigate A Large Fair?

Question:  How do you navigate a large fair?
Answer:  You use a map and your map skills!

Last week Team Gibbas students practiced using their map skills to navigate one of their favorite events, the Topsfield Fair!  Students imagined walking through the fair and had to answer questions based on the map.  One question they had to answer, "When you are at the petting zoo your little sister is so excited that she runs, trips on a feed bucket, and scrapes her knee.  What direction do you need to go to get to the First Aid station? N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, or NW?"

Question:  Imagine that you are going to go to the Topsfield Fair.  What would you like to do there?
Add your answer to the Topsfield Fair padlet.

Made with Padlet

Friday, September 8, 2017

Learning to Use Science Tools

Fourth graders were able to dive into science this week and to practice using many different science tools.  Students used graduated cylinders and measuring cups to measure liquid amounts, thermometers to measure temperature, timers to measure elapsed time, and pan balances to measure weight.  We also measured our arm spans and heights.  What tool do you think students used to determine those measurements?