Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day!
By: Student Blogger Maddie

On Thursday, February 14th Team Gibbas celebrated Valentine's Day.
Everybody came to school excited to receive valentines from their friends.
Many students came with specially decorated valentine boxes.
When everybody got to school most people asked, "When are we going to get our valentines?"
Mrs. Gibbas said, “At 1:30 we will all get our valentines.”
The class waited the whole day until finally it was time.
Mrs. Gibbas went over the rules and then people were on their way passing out their valentines.
Once everybody was done passing their valentines out everybody started to do the best part, looking through their valentines!
Some valentines that people in Team Gibbas got were candy, fun shaped straws, and fun activities such as tic-tac-toe or word searches.
Everybody was having a fun time. Some people brought an extra snack to school to eat during our time for looking at our valentines.
Sadly soon the day was over and it was almost time to go home so we had to stop and put all our valentines back into our boxes and go home.
But Team Gibbas had an awesome time on Valentine’s Day.
A couple weeks later Team Gibbas received a special valentine from our penpals in Finland.

How does a beaver use physical and behavioral adaptations to survive?

 Beaver Adaptations
By A Mystery Student Blogger
¨Does anyone want to volunteer?¨ Ms. Cahill asked.
Almost all the class raised their hands. It was Wednesday and we were in the CLIC room learning about beavers and how they adapt with different body parts and behaviors.
In science Team Gibbas is learning about animal adaptations and that day they were learning about beavers. I was the volunteer and I put on props to make myself look like a beaver, for example I put on glasses, beaver teeth, a tail, flippers, foam padding, a scarf, and hairy hands. From this activity we learned how beavers adapt and sense danger. Did you know that a beaver can hold its breath underwater for 15 minutes?