Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentine's Day!

Team Gibbas students celebrated Valentine's Day in some fun and creative ways.

First, students created animated valentines for their JDO partners in Northern Ireland using Google slides and  Thank you Mrs. Klipfel for helping us with this fun project!

Next, some students created unique Valentine's Day boxes and entered a Valentine Box Contest.  Students worked really hard on their boxes and showed an incredible amount of creativity!

Finally, students exchanged valentines with one another.  Even our class hermit crabs, Chip and Sheldon, enjoyed receiving and reading their valentines.

Happy Valentine's Day from Team Gibbas!

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Beaver Adaptations

How do beavers adapt to their environment?

Team Gibbas students have been learning how animals have physical structures, or physical adaptations, that help them to survive in their environment.  Animals also have behavioral adaptations, or things that they do, to help them to survive.

On Thursday, students learned about the beaver's adaptations in a fun way.  Students were asked to volunteer to "become a beaver" in front of their classmates.  Nearly every student volunteered and one student was chosen using fair sticks.  As props were placed on this student to show the beaver's adaptations other students filled out a graphic organizer to record their learning.

Thank you Mrs. LaRussa for creating this informative and interactive learning opportunity!

Friday, February 11, 2022

PJ/Camp/Technology Day

Friday, February 11th was PJ/Camp/Technology Day for Team Gibbas students.

Students earned twelve compliments from adults in the building, from November 1st through January 31st. These compliments were earned for being amazingly responsible and kind students.  Students voted and they decided to have a PJ/Camp In/Technology Afternoon to celebrate.

Keep up the great work!